Your donation is very important to us.
You can contribute and support Family Hypercholesterolemia (FH) patients seeking clarification and information on the diagnosis and treatment of the disease. FH affects thousands of families throughout Brazil and may raise the risk for coronary heart disease (CHD).
Diagnosis and early treatment can give a person with FH the chance to live a full life. However, more than 90% of people with FH still do not know they have it. This means that entire families are at risk for early heart disease that HF can cause. Your donation will help raise awareness and fund the Association's research, education, and advocacy efforts.
Every dollar you give can save lives.
Itaú (341)
Ag: 8792
Cc: 34461-9
CNPJ 20.807.922/0001-12
Associacao Brasileira de Hipercolesterolemia Familiar